

Upload a File

Tips for sending files:

  • Vector (outline) graphic files are the best format for sending graphics to us. We can scale up these types of images without loss of quality, and we generally don’t have to alter your artwork. We accept files from the following vector graphics programs:
    • Adobe Illustrator (.ai) version CS5 and lower. If you are sending an Illustrator file, be sure to include font files or create outlines from all text (select text and press CTRL+SHIFT+O) prior to saving.
    • EPS (.eps) Encapsulated PostScript Files (*.eps) are a great format that most vector based graphics programs will export. Remember to convert all text to paths, curves, outlines before exporting an .eps file. While we prefer to use the original native file format from the above programs, we will accept an EPS file, provided that there are no embedded bitmaps included.
  • Raster (or bitmap) files are the best format for sending photos to us. We accept the following raster graphics programs:
    • Adobe Photoshop (.psd) version CS5 and lower. Please ensure photos are 100% to size at a minimum of 100 dpi. If you are sending a sign layout in Photoshop format, be aware that we will only be able to use your file as a guide for when we “re-create” your artwork.
    • TIFF (.tif). We highly recommend sending us all photos or pictures in this format, but please be sure they are at 100% to size at a minimum of 100 dpi.
    • JPEG or JPG (.jpg) JPEG. Please do not compress your jpeg and keep it at the highest quality. (Illustrator =10, Photoshop = 12)
  • Please keep in mind that colors may vary based on the mode of printing (ex. desktop printer, laser printer, presses, plotters, etc.).
  • Always send a color print so we can see the preferred colors of final product.

Additional questions? Visit our FAQ page!

Sign Express